Basics To Packaging
Let Then KnowYou Moved
Getting Started |
- Create working area- If you have a spare bedroom
or office this is a good place to create a work area.
- Packaging tape for sealing- We recommend 2" wide
plastic tape. Do not use masking or duct tape, it does
not adhere to cardboard well.
- Maker - To label boxes
- Boxes- Have a selection of various sizes.
- Scissors or sharp knife to cut tape.
- Soft packaging- We recommend white paper, tissue,
towels or newspaper.
Basics To Packaging |
- Fill boxes to the top to prevent crushing.
- Pack in layers, the heaviest at the bottom
- Fragile items should be packed separately
- Start with out of season items.
- Do not pack flammable of combustible that may leak or spill.
- Small hardware should be in plastic bags and taped to the item they belong.
- Avoid overloading cartons but pack firmly so items will not shift.
- Label all cartons on 2 sides and top
- Label any items you will need immediately as "Essential or Unpack First"
- Pack books in small boxes, they get heavy quickly.
Let Them Know You Moved |
- Cable company
- Electric Company
- Gas/Oil Company
- Water Company
- Telephone Companies- including cellular
- Internet provider
- Insurance- Auto and Homeowners
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Post Office